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1. It shall be the bounded duty of every student to abide by the rules and regulations of the college, and to conduct hirnself with discipline and decorum in all places and under all circumstances.

2. Every student shall attend classes with regularity and punctuality and shall refrain from any action that may disturb the smooth working of the college.

3. Students shall be clean and decorous in dress, language and behaviour.

4. Smoking, use of alcohol, drugs etc. are strictly prohibited in the college premises. Students, shall not enter the college drunk.

5. Every student shall greet with respect the members of the teaching staff on the occasion of first meeting them within the college premises and whenever he meets them In public.

6. When a teacher enters the class-room, the students shall rise and remain standing till they are directed to sit or till the teacher takes his seat.

7. When classes are in session, students shall not enter or leave the class rooms without the permission of the teachers concerned.

8. While moving from one class to another, especially through stairs, students are expected to KEEP LEFT in a line, leaving sufficient room for those coming in the opposite directions.

9. Students who may be free during class-time shall not loiter on the veranda or on the premises of the college library/ auditorium.

10. Every student shall handle college property with care and shall do everything in his power to preserve the cleanliness and tidiness of the furniture, buildings and the premises.

11. The loss or damage caused to the college articles will be made good by realizing from the students concerned double the loss or damage so incurred

12. Political activism should be strictly banned on the campus. Students are forbidden to organize or attend meeting other than the official ones. No student shall address any gathering in the college premises without the special permission of the principal.

13. The college Union Election in this College will be held in a non-political manner in according with the directions of the Hon'ble Courts and the management of the college. 14. Megaphones, Loudspeakers, etc., should not be used on the campus without the express permission of the Principal. Posters, flags, memorial tombs, floral arches, festoons etc. should not be displayed on the campus.

15. Indecent behaviour towards the opposites sex will not be tolerated.

16. Students shall not invite or encourage outsiders to enter the campus.

17. Demonstrations/campaigning of any type during the working hours of the college is strictly prohibited within the campus. If a group of students wish to do anything of that sort, they may do so outside the working hours and only with the Principal's consent.

18. If a student or a group of students or the entire students hae any grievance of any kind what so ever, it is to be brought to the attention of the Grievance Redressal Cell in writing. The cell on its own or in consultation with the Principal may take necessary steps to resolve such grievances. The principal may call for the recommendations from the Discipline Committee/ College council, if situation so demands.

19. In tune with the instructions contained in G.O. No. RT/346/05. H.Edn. dated 1/3/2005, the use of mobile phone by students on the campus is strictly banned. The presentation of obscence cinematic dances, fashion parades etc. by whatever name called, also has been banned on college campus. A college level "Ethics Committee" with the Principal as Chairman has been formed to monitor these and stringent action will be taken against offenders.

20. Ragging/teasinglintimidating/harassing/using words of abuse etc. on Junior students especially female students is punishable crime under Police Act. Such matters will be Immediately reported to the police, as such acts are considered crimial offences. Students involved in such acts will be given adequate punishment, which includes expulsion.

21. As per the directive from the Hon'ble Supreme court of India and relevant instructions from the University & U.G.C. authorities, anti ranging committee and squad have been formed in this college.

22. In all matters not specified in the forgoing rules, students shall aim at conducting themselves respecting the right of others so as to establish and maintain good tradition and reputation for the institution.